Haichao Zhang

I am a third-Year Computer Engineering PhD Canadiate at Northeastern University, USA, where I am part of the SMILE Lab, under the guidance of IEEE Fellow Professor Yun Raymond Fu.

Most recently, I am also a Applied Scientist Intern @Amazon AWS AI Lab, working on video understanding and large language models. Prior to this, I obtained my M.Sc Degree at Zhejiang University(ZJU). At Tencent(腾讯), I worked as an research intern under the supervision of Gang Yu, in which I mainly worked on Generative Models for image and video. I was also a visiting student/remote intern at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) for three months.

I am actively seeking for a research internship in 2025. Please feel free to contact me.

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profile photo

2024.05: I joined Amazon AWS AI Labs as an Applied Scientist Intern this summer.

2024.02: Our paper "Out-of-Sight Trajectory Prediction" has been accepted at CVPR.

2023.09: I received the ACM SIGMM travel award.

2023.08: Our paper "Layout Sequence Prediction From Noisy Mobile Modality" has been accepted at ACM MM.

2022.09: I joined SMILE Lab at Northeastern University.


SMILE Lab, Northeastern University, Boston
Graduate Student, Sep. 2022 ~ Now
Supervisor: Prof. Yun Raymond Fu


Amazon AWS AI Lab, Bellevue, WA
Applied Scientist Intern, Jun. 2024 ~ Aug. 2024

Amazon AWS AI Lab

Toyota InfoTech Lab, Mountain View, CA
Part-time Research Intern, Feb. 2023 ~ Nov. 2023

Toyota InfoTech Lab

Tencent, Shanghai, China
Research Scientist Intern, Nov. 2020 ~ May. 2021


University of California, San Diego
Summer Intern, May. 2021 ~ Sep. 2021
Supervisor: Prof. Xiaolong Wang


Fudan University, Shanghai China
PhD Student, Sep. 2021 ~ Jun. 2022

Fudan University

the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Visiting Student, Feb. 2020 ~ May. 2020
Supervisor: Prof. Xiaoguang Han

the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou China
Master Student, Sep. 2018 ~ Mar. 2021
Supervisor: Prof. Zhe-Ming Lu

Zhejiang University

Tiangong University, Tianjin China
Undergraduate Student, Sep. 2014 ~ Jun. 2018

Tiangong University
Research (First-Author)

My research lies in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. Aims to explore the potential of generative models for AIGC and Trajectory Prediction. I worked on Diffusion Models, AIGC, VLM, Video Synthesis/Editing, Image Editing, Multimodal Learning, Trajectory Prediction, NeRF, GANs.

Token Dynamics as Long Video Representation for Video Understanding
(ongoing with Amazon)

OOSTraj: Out-of-Sight Trajectory Prediction With Vision-Positioning Denoising
Haichao Zhang, Yi Xu, Hongsheng LuTakayuki Shimizu, Yun Fu
(First work on out-of-sight trajectory prediction.)

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024 (CVPR'24)
[arxiv] [project page] [code]

Layout Sequence Prediction From Noisy Mobile Modality
(See Beyond Vision: Denoising Diffusion Model for Layout Trajectory Prediction from Noisy Mobile Modality)
Haichao Zhang, Yi Xu, Hongsheng LuTakayuki Shimizu, Yun Fu

31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM'23)
[arxiv][project page][video]

Camouflaged Image Synthesis Is All You Need to Boost Camouflaged Detection
Haichao Zhang, Can Qin, Yu Yin, Yun Fu
preprint [arxiv]

Sketch Me A Video
Haichao ZhangGang Yu, Tao Chen, Guozhong Luo

Fine-grained Identity Preserving Landmark Synthesis for Face Reenactment
Haichao Zhang, Youcheng Ben, Weixi Zhang, Tao Chen, Gang Yu, Bin Fu

Restore DeepFakes Video Frames by Identifying Individual Motion Styles
Haichao Zhang, Zhe-Ming Lu, Hao Luo, Ya-Pei Feng
Electronic Letters [page]
Some Very Old & Irrelevant Projects

Several years ago, I delved into the fascinating world of sensor modalities and signal processing, sparking a keen interest in embedded platforms. That experience led me to explore further into artificial intelligence and computer vision.

Wheelchair Control System via analysis eye-blinking EMG and EEG

Provincial Grand Prize at the Challenge Cup Competition of Science Achievement in China
project video
Mar. 2017

Proposed to detect eye blink EMG noise mixed in EEG signal, which uses the intense eye blink signal to control the direction of wheelchairs, while analysis EEG to predict tension and relaxation degree to control the speed of the wheelchair.

An affordable solution for paralyzed patients to control their wheelchairs and move independently.

Low power abnormal ECG detection system based on MSP430

National First Prize at National Biomedical Engineering Innovative Design Competition
project video
Nov. 2016

Responsible for developing upper computer software which received and filtered signals in the spectral domain from the MSP430 PCB board and developing an algorithm to detect the abnormal ECG.

Sign language recognition system of wearable bending sensor gloves

First Prize at Mobile Application Innovation Contest of North China
Jul. 2016

Responsible for programming the embedding microprocessor to sample the analog signal of the bending sensor on the gloves, which is used to predict the sign language, and showing prediction results on the app.

Vision-based paper money and coin sorting machine

Summer 2015

Responsible for programming the embedding microprocessors to control the mechanical structure and developing upper machine software to detect the kind of paper money in traditional image processing method, then sort them.

Multimedia Information Hiding Technology of Unstructured Data

Alibaba-ZJU Joint Research Institute of Frontier Technologies Research Project
Summer 2018

Responsible for developing C++ software "Shared Memory Based Code Hiding Platform.

Particpated in video stream watermarking algorithm.

Selected Honors& Awards

ACM MM Travel Grant Award  ACM SIGMM
National Biomedical Engineering Innovative Design Competition  National First Prize
Challenge Cup Competition of Science Achievement in China  Provincial Grand Prize
Mobile Application Innovation Contest of North China  Provincial First Prize
'Holtek cup' microcontroller application and design competition, Tianjin (6/453, < 1.3%)  Provincial First Prize
Tianjin IOT Innovation and Engineering Application Design Competition  Provincial First Prize
Tianjin Undergraduate Robotics Competition  Provincial First Prize
Tianjin International Student Internet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition  Provincial Second Prize
Northern China Robotics Competition  Provincial Second Prize
Academic Service


• Conference: NeurIPS 2023, NeurIPS 2024, ACM MM 2024, ICLR2024, ICCVW2023, CVPRW2024,



Education& Research Experience

Outside of my research, I am passionate about photography, particularly capturing nature scenes. I've driven coast-to-coast across the America twice, enjoying the landscapes and photographing along the way. I love traveling, driving, and capturing moments through my lens. Recently, I’ve expanded my photography to include portrait work. In addition to photography, I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking. Occasionally, I play Dota 2.

Overall, I have a natural curiosity for trying new things and starting new adventures, whether in my personal life or exploring new research topics.


An interesting tidbit about my preferred name:

When someone says "Hi, Charles," it sounds remarkably like my first name, "Haichao." This phonetic coincidence inspired me to embrace "Charles" as my chosen name recently. So, feel free to greet me with "Hi, Charles" when we meet!